Who I Partner With

Organizations across the United States with 100- 500 employees.

Start-up companies in WA state with fewer than 50 employees.

New and existing managers in any size organization. 
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What I Do For Organizations

I offer retention strategies and solutions and the creation of employee surveys. When employers hire people you want them to stay. Strong retention programs help save turnover costs and ROI on new hires. Let me ask the questions, gather the data, and help put processes in place that can be implemented for your organization so your company is a place people want to come work and stay.

For start-up companies in WA state with fewer than 50 employees, I offer HR guidance and solutions around employment law and compliance. Any work around hiring strategies, culture definition, on-boarding planning, termination guidance, and investigations are services I can offer so owners can focus on running and expanding their business.

 I coach new and existing managers in any size organization to be successful in their roles. Having excellent leaders that know how to have effective conversations, conduct valuable performance reviews, and engage with their employees is essential for employee retention. I am the person they can trust to talk to, get candid feedback, and confidential support in a non-judgmental and confident building way.
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Why Work With Me?
Top 5 Benefits

Benefit #1: Time

I focus on all things retention so your HR can focus on everything else
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Benefit #2: Awareness

You might not know what you don’t know and I can help uncover actionable items to help save time and money for the organization.
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Benefit #3: WA state law Compliance

If you are a new small business owner, you’ll learn what steps are needed to avoid any penalty fees.
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Benefit #4: Strategic Templates

Customizable step-by-step guides to help in creating and sustaining retention programs.
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Benefit #5: New Leader/Manager Confidence

Newly promoted to a role? Having a coach to support you through all the new experiences makes you feel less alone and set up for success as you navigate all that comes with leadership responsibilities.
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Select the Call me button to schedule a call for us to connect and see how best we can partner with each other. 
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I understand

and I want to help

Supporting 100-500 employee issues as an HR professional is hard. I worked in HR for 20 yrs as a Senior HR Business Partner and know the many balls in the air that are being juggled, all the pressure that each one has to be done now, and how dropping one of them can cause a domino effect.  I’ve had many sleepless nights worrying I was forgetting something, or I couldn’t meet all the expectations being placed on me. Let me relieve some of that pressure and take the retention ball out of the mix.
 Start Up Businesses in WA State
Starting a business and growing one in WA state can be very exciting but can also draw an owner into different directions and drain their own energy resources. You may not know all the rules and regulations in hiring people, you will want to be protected as best you can if you have to fire someone, and you don’t want to have any penalties or fines coming your way because you were not aware of them. Having a strategic partner that knows the laws, and can guide you in hiring processes, culture-defining, future visions available for phone calls to answer any emergent issues can help in less worry and more business engagement. 
New and Existing Leaders
Becoming a new leader and moving from peer to manager can be a difficult transition. The stress of new responsibilities, overwhelm of all the information coming at you, questioning if becoming a manager was even the right decision,  are all things I have coached managers on. I help to navigate the self-doubt and turn it into confidence.
For those managers who have been in the role, I can help turn stress burnout into enjoyment and engagement back into the important role they hold.

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Need a Survey?
Employee Engagement Surveys Tiered Packages

Tier 1

1. Strategy call for survey information gathering
2Review of Survey Questions
3. Survey Creation
4. While survey is open:  Tracking % complete reportsadditional cost per report.
5. Manual entry of surveys For employees that may not access computers:
Up to 10 surveys entered then per survey charge
6. Survey Reports Delivered In PDF
7. Specific Data Analysis: ​(ex;  Compare 2 Department responses, Responses based on Years with the company or Gender comparisons) 1 report then additional charge for more reports

Tier 2

1. Strategy call for survey information gathering
2. Review of Survey Questions
3. Survey Creation
4. While Survey is Open: Report Weekly Total # of employees completed survey
5. Manual entry of surveys For employees that may not access computers:
Up to 25 surveys entered then per survey charge
6. Survey Reports Delivered In PDF and Word
7. Specific Data Analysis  ​(ex; Compare multple Department responses, Responses based on Years with the company or Gender comparisons)  5 reports then additional charge for more reports
8. Templates for communication Before Survey Opens templates

Tier 3

1. Strategy call for survey information gathering
2. Review of Survey Questions
3. Survey Creation
4. While Survey is Open: Report Weekly Total # of employees completed survey and by Department 
5. Manual entry of surveys For employees that may not access computers:
Up to 50 surveys entered then per survey charge
6. Survey Reports Delivered In PDF, Word and Excel
7. Specific Data Analysis  ​(ex; Compare multple Department responses, Responses based on Years with the company or Gender comparisons)  Unlimited reports
8. Templates for communication Before Survey opens as well as During Survey for encouraging more participation
9. Qualitative summary/analysis Comments sections
Schedule a call for Pricing or more information to customize based on your needs
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Retention Services Based on What Your Company

​ Needs
Schedule a call for us to customize what you need for your organization
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Get to know Heather Skillman

What industries have I worked in?
20 year career spanning Healthcare (Hospitals), Medical Device and Engineering, Aerospace (Manufacturing and Engineering) and HIgh Tech Start Ups. 
What do I love most about working in HR?
Being curious and getting to the root cause to find the best solution and parterning with people across the organization to learn how best I could support in their success.
How have others described me?
People have described me as honest, enthusiastic, compassionate, non-judgemental, willing to ask questions others may not and fun to work with. 
What are some fun things I did in my HR career so far? 
I saw a new large commercial airplane be weighed. To help in recruiting Operating Room positions, I was invited to watch a non invasive surgical procedure.  I led a project that impacted over 19K employees (no pressure!). I was the emcee at a Holiday party and hosted a Family Fued game for a fun icebreaker for the teams.  
Where can you find me when I am not working?
I love to hike, dance, take photographs, and explore the pacific northwest with my husband. I take improv classes and will do a live comedy performance sometime in the near distant future. I like to spoil my two cats Zeema and Ossie and my awesome dog Sage. And I do admit, occasionally, to  being a couch potato and binge watching some TV shows or spending a full day in a movie theater. 

Email me with any questions. I'd love to hear from you!
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